Training Terms


AGE [ah-gay] - to raise or elevate
AITE [eye-tay] - training partner or friend
ANADO [ah-nah-doe] - on both sides
ANATOSHI [ah-nah-toe-she] - trapping
ASAGASUMI [ah-sah-gah-sue-me] - nerve center located at the tip or just under the tip of the chin
ASHI [ah-she] - leg or foot
ASHI BARI [ah-she ba-ree] - to sweep the leg
AHSI YUBI [ah-she-you-bay] - ankle
ASHIKO [ah-she-ko] - spiked band that straps to the bottom of the foot to aide in climbing
ATE [ah-tay] - strike or blow
ATEMI [ah-the-me] - a strike to the opponent in order to set up a counter technique
ATSU [aht-sue] - to press
ATTO [aht-oh] - to press down
AWASE [ah-wah-say] - to meet or bring together


BA-JUTSU [bah-jute-sue] - the study of riding and combat from horseback
BAKAHATSUGAMA [bah-kah-hot-sue-gah-mah] - a smaller version of the kunsarigama, this weapon has a metsubushi mechanism tied to the weighted end of the chain to deliver a blinding powder to the attacker
BARAI [ba-ree] - to sweep
BISEN-TO [be-sen-toe] - a larger bladed version of the Naginata
BO [bo] - literally translated Bo means stick or rod (also see rokushakubo, yonsahkubo, sanshakubo, Jo & Hanbo)
BOJUTSU [bo-jute-sue] - the study of using staffs, sticks, rods or poles as weapons
BOKKEN [bo-ken] - a wooden equivalent of the katana
BO-RYAKU [bo-re-ah-coo] - strategy
BOSHI [bo-she] - the very tip of a katana
BOSHI KEN [bo-she-ken] - fist held with the thumb braced against the top of the index finger striking with the tip of the thumb
BO-SHURIKEN [bo-shoe-re-ken] - straight bladed throwing knives or darts
BU [boo] - war
BUDOKA [boo-doe-kah] - one who studies Budo as a martial art or lifestyle
BUJIN [boo-gin] - warrior spirit
BUJINKAN [boo-gin-kahn] - Divine Warriors Training Hall


CHI [chee] - Earth
CHI-MON [chee-moan] - geography
CHI RYAKU NO MAKI [chee-ree-ah-coo-no-mah-key] - the Principles of Earth The second section of the Tenchijin Ryaku no Maki or The Principles of Heaven, Earth & Man
CHO-HO [cho-hoe] - espionage & intelligence
CHU [chew] - middle
CHUDAN [chew-don] - middle level


DAI [die] - big or great
DAISHARIN [die-sha-reen] - a 6 to 10 foot staff like weapon with circular plates at each end much like a wheel & axel assembly
DAN [don] - level: indicator of rank held by a black belt (i.e. Shodan / First Degree Black Belt, Nidan / Second Degree Black Belt, Sandan / Third Degree Black Belt, etc)
DENSHO [den-show] - scrolls or written text on a particular subject
DO [doe] - way; torso; motion; change (depending on the kanji used)
DOJO [doe-joe] - training hall
DOKO NO KAMAE [doe-koe-no-kah-my] - Angry Tiger Posture
DOKUBARI [doe-coo-bah-re] - caltrops made from plant fibers with poison tipped needles protruding from them
DOME [doe-may] - stop
DORI [doe-ree] - to seize or capture


ENDO-SHURIKEN [en-doe-shoe-re-ken] - a throwing blade that carries a poisonous smoke or explosive device


FU [foo] - Wind or Air
FUDO [foo-doe] - immovable
FUDO KEN [foo-doe-ken] - Immovable Fist: this is the classic "doubled up fist"
FUDOZA [foo-doe-zah] - Immovable Seat: this seated posture involves tucking the left foot under the buttocks with the right foot placed along the left calf
FUKIYA [foo-key-yah] - blow guns, often disguised as flutes
FURI [few-ree] - to swing


GAESHI [guy-she] - to throw or turn over
GAKURE [gah-koo-ray] - to hide To be hidden Disappear
GANMEN [gahn-mane] - the face
GANSEKI [gahn-she-key] - rock or stone
GARAMI [gah-rah-may] - to entangle or entwine
GASSO NO KAMAE [gah-sew-no-kah-my] - this is the traditional standing posture with the right hand placed in front of the sternum in the praying position, with the left hand held in a fist against the right palm
GE [gay] - lower
GEDAN [gay-don] - lower level
GERI [gay-ree] - to kick
GETA [gay-tah] - traditional wooden clogs
GI [gee] - standard uniform worn by most karate-ka, judo-ka and other martial artists
GO DAI [go-die] - the five elemental manifestations: Chi (Earth), Sui (Water), Hi or Ka (Fire), Fu (Wind), Ku (Void)
GO GYO [go-gee-yo] - the five primary elements: Chi (Earth); Sui (Water); Hi or Ka (Fire); Fu (Wind); Ku (Void)
GOTON-PO [go-tahn-poe] - the five methods of escape using the elements (See also: See Do Tonjutsu, Sui Tonjutsu, Ka Tonjutsu, Moku Tonjutsu, Kin Tonjutsu)
GYAKU [gee-yah-koo] - to reverse


HAN [han] - half
HAN BO [han-bo] - Half Stick: this is the common name for the Sanshakubo or 3 foot staff
HANE AGE [ha-nay ah-gee] - to jump or spring up
HANBOJUTSU [han-bo-jute-sue] - the study of using the 3 foot stick as a weapon
HAPPO FURI [ha-poe-few-re] - inward and outward diagonal striking
HASHIGOYARI [ha-she-go-yah-ri] - "Ladder Spear" This tool commonly has a hooked tip with rungs running the length of the shaft
HENKA [hane-kah] - variation
HENSO-JUTSU [hen-sew-jute-sue] - the study of disguise and impersonation
HI [he] - fire (see also: Ka)
HICHO NO KAMAE [he-cho-no-kah-my] - flying Bird Posture
HIDARI [he-da-re] - left
HIRA [he-rah] - flat
HIRA ICHIMONJI NO KAMAE [he-rah-ee-chee-moan-jee-no-kah-my] - flat Basic Posture
HI SHI [he-she] - dried water chestnut hulls used as caltrops
HIRA SHURIKEN [he-rah-shoe-re-ken] - flat metal throwing discs with three to eight points radiating from the center
HO [hoe] - principle, way
HOKO NO KAMAE [hoe-koe-no-kah-my] - Encircling Tiger Posture


IAI [ee-aye] - to draw the sword
IAIJUTSU [ee-aye-jute-sue] - study of the methods of cutting with the initial draw of the sword
ICH [each] - one
ICHI [each-ee] - first
ICHIBAN [each-ee-bahn] - Number One Assistant to the instructor of the dojo, generally the most senior student
ICHIMONJI NO KAMAE [ee-chee-moan-jee-no-kah-my] - First Basic Posture
IGADAMA [ee-gah-dah-mah] - named after the Iga region of Japan, these cast iron caltrops of various designs were scattered to slow the advance of pursuers or thrown as a metsubushi
INTONJUTSU [een-tone-jute-sue] - study of escape and evasion
IRI [ee-ree] - to enter
ITAKEN [ee-tah-ken] - straight bladed shuriken also known as Bo Shuriken


JIHI NO KOKORO [jee-he-no-coe-coe-row] - Benevolent Heart
JIME [jee-may] - to tighten or choke
JIN [jeen] - man, person, human
JO [joe] - upper
JODAN [joe don] - upper level
JUNAN TAISO [jew-nen-tie-sew] - basic body conditioning exercises designed to increase flexibility and range of motion
JUMONJI NO KAMAE [jew-moan-jee-no-kah-my] - Power of Ten Posture
JUTSU [jute-sue] - science or method of study
JUTTE [jew tay] - the jutte is a weapon designed to capture and break swords with the single prong extending from the side, the short blunt blade was used as a truncheon to bludgeon, trap and pin an opponent


KA [kah] - fire
KAMA YARI [kah-mah-yah-re] - Ladder Spear: this style of spear ranged from a long pole with a series of hooks at the top to a hooked spear with rungs running the length of the shaft to aid in climbing When used on combat the hooks were used to capture and opponent and pull him off balance
KAMAE [kah-my] - posture, attitude
KAYAKUJUTSU [kah-yah-coo-jute-sue] - the study of incendiary devices and explosives
KEN [ken] - blade; fist; strike; sword
KENJUTSU [ken-jute-sue] - the study of warfare with the sword
KIHON HAPPO [key-hone-ha-poe] - the eight basics techniques of the Bujinkan consisting of Torite Sanpo Gata or "Three ways to defend against striking attacks" and Torite Gata Goho or "Five ways to defend against grabbing attacks"
KIKAKU KEN [key-kah-coo-ken] - Demon Horn Strike or head butt
KISHYO [key-show] - the patch that is worn on the uniform signifying membership in the International Bujinkan
KITEN KEN [key-tahn-ken] - Blade Hand Strike aka Shuto [shoe toe]
KOHAI [coe-hi] - junior
KOHO GERI [coe-hoe-gary] - Side Kick
KO KORO WA SHINOBO [coe-coe-row-wah-she-no-bo] - the concept of tempering the conscious mind for perseverance
KOPPOJUTSU [coe-poe-jute-sue] - the study of bone breaking, muscle tearing and balance stealing
KOSEI NO KAMAE [coe-say-no-kah-my] - Power of the Tiger Posture
KOSHIJUTSU [coe-she-jute-sue] - the study of nerve center striking
KU [coo] - Void; nine
KUNSARI FUNDO [coon-sah-re-foon-doe] - a chain weapon approximately 3 feet in length with weighted ends used to whip, bludgeon and ensnare an opponent
KUNSARI GAMA [coon-sah-re-gah-mah] - a sickle and chain weapon ranges in size from large battlefield designs approximately 3 feet in length to ones approximately 16 inches in length that are more easily concealed The chain is about 9 feet in length with a weighted end that is launched at the opponent to entangle and ensnare limbs and weapons
KYOKETSU SHOGE [key-yo-coo-ket-sue-show-gay] - similar to the Kunsari Gama, this weapon consists of a dagger type blade with a second curved blade extending from the base, used to hook and ensnare, and a length of rope with and iron ring at the end that is hurled at the opponent to capture weapons or limbs
KYOJITSU TENKAN HO [key-yo-jit-sue-ten-kahn-hoe] - the concept of the Interchange of Truth & Falsehood
KYU [cue] - level


MAMUKIGAMA [mah-moo-key-gah-mah] - a kunsari gama with a poisonous snake tied to the end that is launched at the opponent to deliver a venomous bite
MEN [Mane] - head
METSUBISHI [met-sue-bee-she] - to remove the sight: 3 forms of metsubushi:
· Removal: to physically damage the eyes by poking, raking or delivering a blinding agent
· Misdirection: to move the opponents eyes away from the attack
· Capture: to catch and hold an opponents gaze in your own
MI WO SHINOBU [me-whoa-sheen-oh-boo] - methods of conditioning the body for physical endurance
MIGI [mee-gee] - right
MO ICHI DO [moe-each-ee-doe] - one more time, but slightly differently
MO IKKAI [moe-ee-kah-eye] - one more time exactly the same
MOKU TANTO [moe-coo-than-toe] - Wooden Training Knife


NAGINATA [nah-gee-nah-tah] - a 6 to 8 foot staff with a 1 to 2 foot curved blade at the top similar to the European halberd
NAGINATA JUTSU [nah-gee-nah-tah-jute-sue] - the study of using naginata as a weapon
NAKA FURI [nah-kah-few-re] - forward shooting strikes
NARABU [nah-rah-boo] - line up
NAWA BUNDO [nah-wah-boon-doe] - rope training weapon similar to the kunsari fundo
NIN [neen] - perseverance
NINJA KEN [neen-jah-ken] - the short straight bladed sword most commonly associated with the ninja (See also Shinobugatana)
NINJA TO [neen-ja-toe] - the short straight bladed sword most commonly associated with the ninja (See also Shinobugatana)
NINPO IKKAN [neen-poe-eekahn] - following the principles of Ninpo as a primary inspiration, one can accomplish their goals while simultaneously making the world a better place


OBI [oh-bee] - belt
OH GAMA [oh-gah-mah] - the battlefield version of the kunsari gama large enough to entangle the legs of horses and slash through armor
ON [own] - responsibilty carried by one in debt of another
ONO [oh-no] - great axe
ONEGAISHIMASU [oh-nay-guy-she-mah-sue] - please assist me


SANSHIN NO KATA [sahn-sheen-no-kah-tah] - "Three Hearts Form"
SAYA [say-yah] - the sheath in which a katana is held
SAYONARA [sigh-oh-nah-rah] - good bye
SEISHIN TEKI KYOYO [say-sheen-te-key-key-yo-yo] - spiritual refinement
SEMPAI [sem-pie] - senior
SENBAN SHURIKEN [sen-bon-shoe-re-ken] - flat, multi pointed throwing blades
SENSEI [sen-say] - one who has walked before: teacher, instructor
SENSEI NI REI [sen-say-knee-ray] - bow to the instructor
SEIZA NO KAMAE [say-zah-no-kah-my] - kneeling posture
SHAKO KEN [shah-coe-ken] - tiger claw fist
SHIDOSHI [she-doe-she] - title of a licensed instructor, 5th - 9th dan
SHIDOSHI HO [she-doe-she-hoe] - title of an apprentice instructor, 1st - 4th dan
SHIHAN [she-han] - title of master instructor, 10th dan or higher
SHIKAN KEN [she-kahn-ken] - extended finger fist
SHIKI WO SHINOBU [she-key-woa-she-no-boo] - vision and realization are focused internally and externally at the same time for spiritual fortitude
SHIKIN HARAMITSU DAIKOMYO [she-keen-ha-re-mit-sue-die-comb-yo] - every instant of every moment one is alive/self-aware offers the opportunity to get closer to the big white light
SHINAI [she-nigh] - practice sword made of split bamboo
SHINKEN GATA [shin-kin-gah-tah] - Live/real sword; fighting techniques performed full force
SHINOBIGATANA [she-no-be-gah-tah-nah] - the short, straight edged blade commonly used by the ninja (see also; Ninja To or Ninja Ken)
SHINOBI IRI [shi-no-be-ee-re] - stealth and entering methods
SHINOBI ZUE [she-no-be-zoo-ee] - a staff or cane in which a hidden weapon is concealed
SHISHIN KEN [she-sheen-ken] - finger needle strike
SHITAN KEN [she-than-ken] - extended knuckle fist
SHITO KEN [she-toe-ken] - extended thumb strike AKA Boshi Ken
SHIZEN NO KAMAE [she-zen-no-kah-my] - natural body posture
SHUKI KEN [shoe-key-ken] - elbow strike
SHUKO [shoe-coe] - spiked bands worn on the hands used for digging, climbing, trapping and striking Originally used by the Togakure clans
SHUTO [shoe-toe] - strike
SHURKIEN [shoe-re-ken] - term for any thrown weapon, but generally recognized as a flat metal plate with a varying number of points
SHURIKEN JUTSU [shoe-re-ken-jute-sue] - the study of throwing blades
SOKE [sew-kay] - family head
SOKKI KEN [sew-key-ken] - knee strike
SOKU YAKU [sew-coo-yah-coo] - stomp kick
SOKUHO GERI [sew-coo-hoe-gary] - side kick
SOKU HO TOBI [sew-coo-hoe-toe-be] - sideways leaping
SOKU GYAKU GERI [sew-coo-gee-yah-coo-gary] - toe kick
SUI [sue-ee] - "water"
SUI REN [sue-ee-wren] - stealth swimming, silent movement and water related techniques
SUZU ZUE [sue-zoo-zoo-ee] - ringed topped walking staff commonly carried by monks


TABI [tah-be] - traditional "Ninja" foot wear
TAI [tie] - "body"
TAIHENJUTSU [tie-hen-jute-sue] - the study of defensive/evasive body movement
TAIJUTSU [tie-jute-sue] - the study of using the body in unarmed combat
TAIKEN [tie-ken] - "Body Fist" using the body as a whole to deliver a strike
TANTO [tahn-toe] - short knife
TEN MON [ten-moan] - the study of meteorology
TENCHI FURI [ten-chee-few-re] - rising or falling vertical strikes
TETSUBISHI [tet-sue-be-she] - caltrops of various design
TOAMI JUTSU [toe-ah-me-jute-sue] - the use of nets as traps
TOBI KERI [toe-be-key-re] - jumping/leaping kick
TOTOKU HIYOSHI [toe-toe-coo-he-yo-she] - techniques for slipping by or knocking a shuriken out of the air
TSUBA [sue-ba] - hand guard on a sword
TSUBUTE [sue-boo-te] - similar to a hira-shuriken but heavy and with blunt edges
TSUKA [sue-kah] - handle of a sword
TSUKI [sue-key] - straight punch


UCHI [ooch] - from utsu; to attack, defeat, destroy, conquer
UCHI GAKE [ooch-gah-kay] - throwing down by leg work
UDE [oo-deh] - arm
UKE [oo-kay] - a receiver of a technique
UKEMI [oo-kay-me] - ground hitting techniques
URA [oo-rah] - inside
USHIRO - to the rear, back


WAZA [wah-zah] - art, craft, ability, skill
WAKAZASHI [wah-kah-zah-she] - Companion sword to the samurai's katana
WAKITSUBO [wah-keet-sue-bow] - nerve center located in the armpit; The Axilary Nerve


YA [yah] - arrow
YAMABUSHI [Yah-mah-boo-she] - Mountain Warrior Mystic
YAME [yah-may] - "stop"
YARI [yah-re] - spear
YARIJUTSU [yah-re-jute-sue] - the study of the spear as weapon
YOKO [yoh-koh] - side
YOKO ARUKI [yoh-koh-ah-roo-key] - "sideways walking"
YOKO FURI [yo-koh-few-re] - inward and outward horizontal strikes
YOKOMEN [yoh-koh-mane] - side of the head
YOSH [yo-shh] - "begin"
YUMI [you-me] - bow


ZANSHIN [zan-sheen] - the "follow through" of a technique; the feeling of clear and absolute concentration after defeating an opponent
ZEN - front
ZENPO - forward, front direction
