1. Be there 100 percent. Allow your consciousness to hold on each moment as though it were all that existed. Concentrate totally on your purpose and actions.
Do not let your mind wander from the training activities at hand.
2. Keep your center of gravity as low as possible while still permitting easy movement.
Do not concentrate your strength in your shoulders or upper body.
3. Keep your movements relaxed and fluid, delivering the impact at the last second.
Do not tense up by trying to maintain power through out the entire technique.
4. Use the entire weight of the body to create power and knock your attacker back and down.
Do not try to out-muscle the attacker with the movements of your limbs alone.
5. Keep your footwork fast, responsive and appropriate.
Do not settle into and maintain fixed stance for the fight.
6. Use proper rhythmic breathing to generate and restore energy. Breathe out with application movements and in with retreating or preparation movements.
Do not hold your breath when releasing energy through technique application or interception.
7. Control the direction of your eyes, keeping your attacker in sight.
Do not concentrate so much on your technique that you do not notice a possible change in the attacker’s action or position.
8. Bear in mind the purpose of the technique.
Do not attempt to carry through a technique that is no longer needed. If the attacker lets go before you can complete the wrist lock, that’s fine. Your purpose was to get him off of you, not execute a textbook technique.
9. Use every moment to increase your personal knowledge and powers.
Do not merely go through the motions for the sake of exercise or forced discipline.
(Warrior Ways of Enlightenment, vol.2)